“Nightmare fuel is the perfect way to explain it” - Noah Levine, Bloody Disgusting
Heather Wixson, Managing Editor of Daily Dead, interviews Director Nate Ruegger about folk horror short TRUST ME
“DIRECTOR NATE RUEGGER does remarkably well at ratcheting up the horror at a great pace, and never letting the intensity dip… the filmmakers are currently working on a FEATURE FILM FOR TRUST ME, and it can’t come soon enough.” - Melissa Hannon, Editor-in-Chief of Horror Geek Life
"Right off the bat, the film had a FEATURE-LENGTH FEEL and I was so surprised when it was over because I was quickly taken in by the story and found myself wanting more... SCARY AS HELL!" - Vicki Woods, The Blood-Shed
“I also heard that the filmmakers want to make this story into a FULL-LENGTH FILM, which would be AWESOME!… This film pretty much cemented the reason why I never go camping." - Jennifer Leigh, Pop Horror